I need you to believe in me and my ideas, but don’t judge me on what I say first. Make sure you take the time and ask the questions to understand what I’m trying to say! Give me the space to dream and keep encouraging me to push new frontiers even if you can’t see it yet!
Note: There are two brands of Creatives: Creative-Thinkers and Creative-Feelers. There are some similarities, but also notable differences. Creative-Thinkers (CT): logical, analytical, clever, critical (INTP) Creative-Feeler (CF): relational, idealist, aware of environments (INFP)
What We See…
Can inspire us or frustrate us
People have hard time understanding what they are trying to say
Thrive when contributions are valued and appreciated
Will shut down when their ideas are shot down
Like to drive innovation, growth, and improvement
Like to sit and listen before speaking
If they have nothing to share, they won’t speak
Their drive and constant ideas tends to wear others out
Tend to ignore financials and other limits
Big “Starters,” but not “Finishers” which leads to decline in influence
Champion of new ideas
Looking forward to what's coming next (trends, ideas, etc)
Think outside the box and through a different lens
CT: Tend to sound harsh
CT: Don't work hard on relationships (no patience)
CT: Hard to follow them when they speak
Willing to replace themselves if they believe enough in the vision
Big picture is king
Help them be considerate of others
Be ready for a “Who says we can’t?” mindset
They are alert to others who might challenge their competency.
They tend to be skeptical: “Do you have a proven track record?
Will shut down if (Triggers):
You waste their time or threaten the vision
Encourage them to listen to all viewpoints
Have thick skin and be ready for unexpected “explosion” of critique
Be prepared to be dismissed if they aren’t confident in you
Give them freedom and a platform to share ideas
CF: Take time to understand what they are trying to say and ask question to help them communicate
CF: Speak truth about them so they can hear outside opinions
CF: Practice a daily, verbal self-charge to speak truth over yourself (secure, confident and humility)
CF: Celebrate, Care, Clarify, Critique (with permission), Collaborate
CT: Coach them in sharing ideas (when they know you're FOR them)
Give them consistent time to ask, "What are you seeing that I might be missing?
Give them weak-side help with Guardian tasks (70/30)
Let people into your world to contribute
Avoid assumed expectations…
Give them space to dream w/o micro-managing
Give them the tools, time and information they need and get out of the way
What We Don't See…
Constantly thinking about future
Never satisfied with status quo
The word, “Can’t” is not part of their vocabulary
Can see opportunities and threats before others
Future more exciting than present
“Good enough” is not acceptable
Constantly asking, “How does this help achieve the vision?” and “Why are we limiting ourselves?”
Will focus on 10% incomplete more than the 90% that is done
Want to be valued and part of a team
CF: Harder on themselves than others (Dominate themselves)
CF: Constantly analyzing themselves ("Am I ____ as good as I say I am?”)
CF: Hold their ideas close to their heart...when you critique their idea, they hear you attacking them
CT: Has the least need for people
CT: Tend to be cautious with ideas until trust is established
What They Need to Hear from Us…
We want to hear your ideas…
How can I help make your idea a reality?
Rules of Engagement…2nd
Creative Feeler: Hulk / Would rather die than back down...can be ugly
Creative Thinker: Sniper / Will sit quietly, then begin taking aim and point out inaccuracies