We lead you on a journey to greater self-awareness so you can recognize the value you add to others.
Journey Groups
Communication Assessment
1 year (less two weeks) of content
50 micro-lessons
Application Worksheets for each micro-lesson
The "100 Xercise" for each lesson for personal application.
The "X Challenge" for you to integrate each micro-lesson into your team. This is designed to help you lead others in their personal journey to transformations. (This is great for leading a team.)
Bi-weekly Group Coaching/Collaboration Call
Access to a certified Guide for personal application
Access to a wealth of personal growth / professional development content
This is a tall order for personal growth. This model forces you to take a hard look at yourself and work from the inside, out. You have to grow yourself before you grow others. It's not full of life hacks and strategies. It's not for everyone. If you want to know more, click the button below and let's talk. This process is built on trust and relationships.